“You are the Creator of your own destiny.”
— Madison Storm

Beneath the Surface
“The memory slips through my fingers like droplets of water, the more I hold on, the more it falls away. As I delve through the chaos of my thoughts in “the after” I find myself at a loss at how to portray the delicate beauty that intangibly and inexplicably tangled through my mind and my life like a delicate thread, bringing everything into perspective; my life, my death, my rebirth.”
- Madison Storm

I paint to bring something beautiful into this world that wasn’t there before, to bring light into the darkness of hearts. My purpose as an artist is to light the way for those in the dark.
Madison Storm

Looking for something a little more personal?
Personalised paintings offer you, the collector, something unique and true to your soul. Let your dreams be the muse of my special painting, just for you. Commissions are one of a kind and made according to your own personal symbolism and soul journey.